A financially easier way to join! Pay 12 payments to earn your full membership. Once paid in full, you can receive your benefits!
*Monthly membership equity is $25 with a $1.25 processing fee for a total of $26.25 per month.
Monthly Membership $25*
• As with any investment, your ownership share is subject to risk. If the co-op is unsuccessful, the Board of Directors will determine distribution of remaining assets. Every effort will be made to refund your member-owner equity share.
• It is the member-owner’s responsibility to provide Wild Sage Market with a current mailing address should the above information change.
• I am applying for a one-time purchase of membership equity (Patron Member share) in Wild Sage Market under the conditions and policies stated in the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws of Wild Sage Market.
• I understand that a member-owner share must be in the name of one individual only. The legal member-owner of record will receive all official co-op mailings, is the official voting member-owner in all co-op elections, and receives any and all monies potentially disbursed, including patronage dividends and a refund of equity.
• I understand that other persons living in my household may use my membership card to shop at Wild Sage Market, but this does not confer membership upon them.
• I understand my membership is not transferable without approval from the Board of Directors.
• I understand that this application for member-ownership is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
• I acknowledge that I will read the by-laws of Wild Sage Market once they are emailed to me.